Log Cabin Camp

Initiative Games

Our Initiative Games Course at Log Cabin Camp is reminiscent of those rigorous courses that our military must complete. But don’t worry, we made it a little easier! It’s great fun for young or old.

The aim of the activity is to provide participants with a new recreation experience, teach them to use their initiative, to challenge them to go beyond their own expectations, increase their self-confidence and learn how to work as part of a team.

Spotting is the primary safety system used for initiative activities. It requires an individual to actively protect a “participant”, who may be involved in activities some distance off the ground. The main role of the spotter is to protect the head and upper body of the “participant” should a fall occur.

Initiative gamesLow ropes
Students participating in the tight rope activity 'Mohawk walk'

Log Cabin Camp Is Super Fun!
Australian Camping Association Accredited
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