Log Cabin Camp


Teachers Accommodation with sitting area Cabin 7At Log Cabin Camp we can accommodate up to 160 people utilising the following areas:

All or some of these accommodation areas will be available for your use depending on the size of your group.

Guests need to provide their own bedding (sheets/blankets/doonas or sleeping bags) and pillows.

Log Cabins

As mentioned earlier there are 6 cabins in all. All of the cabins have full ensuite. All cabins are pine lined with their own heating and instantaneous hot water.

Log Cabins
Log Cabin toilet facilities
Four log cabin in a row down the hill

Cabins 10 and 11

Cabin 10 and 11 have their own toilet but need to use the modern amenities block for showers which is only a short walk away, they also have heating.

Cabin 10 and 11




The Log Cabin Camp Chapel was formerly the first Chinese Presbyterian Church from Ballarat. It is now used as a dormitory for up to 20 people. Occupants of the Chapel have access to the nearby amenities block for showers and toilets. It has heating, ceiling fans and lots of windows. If you are looking for a location to hold church services, worship services or meetings, the barn complex has rooms that can be utilised as meeting areas for small or large groups up to 140.

Chapel dorm at night
Small cream white chapel in bush setting

Teachers Accommodation

Cabin 7

Cabin 7
Australiana cabin with verandah
Cabin 7 wagon wheel decoration
Cabin 7 verandah with sitting area
Timber style cabin with bunk and single beds

Cabin 8

Cabin 8

Cabin 9

Cabin 9

Log Cabin Camp Is Super Fun!
Australian Camping Association Accredited
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